Paintings & Illuminations
'I would like above all for the painting to inspire and to move a heart, to thrill and to invigorate and to act as an excuse for a noble existence, which is a lot. To become a vehicle for an Adamic reconnection, a remembrance to occur, while through that remembrance a celebration occurs, a dance within the heart which proclaims a Joy and preciousness held to, appreciated and never forgotten.'
From 'A Painting like Me'
Ink on paper
Venus and the Three Graces
Zephr meets Chloris
Sept 4 2016, Atina and surrounding Mountains with the Zodiac of the day
Detail, Jupiter eclipses Saturn
City establishment below and rotated/ reflected above
Cities, towns and Mountains unfold and reflected above...
Oil & Ink on paper
The 5 towns of Atina, Alatri, Arpino, Aquino & Agnani. Mountains connect with central Saturn, the Earth surrounds with the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter co-joining